Links and Contacts
Here are some links and contact information for local agencies, government offices and officials, utilities, and non-profits that you might find helpful.
Please feel free to send along any links you would like to see added or to report any broken links.
Contact Webmaster Carole DeAngeli
Who are our representatives?
U.S. Senate
U.S. Congress, District 6
State of Arizona
Arizona Legislature, District 18
Senator Priya Sundareshan
Representative Nancy Gutierrez
Representative Christopher Mathis
Garbage Services
As residents of unincorporated Pima County, Oracle Foothills residents have their choice of garbage and recycling haulers. There is a wide range of prices among the carriers.
Republic - pickup is twice weekly
Waste Connections of Arizona - 480 983 9100
Waste Management - Pickup for recycling is Wednesday., Trash is Thursday. Will meet competition’s prices if you ask.
Waste Tire Disposal - Pima County maintains a collection site for disposing of unwanted tires. 5301 W Ina Rd, Tucson, AZ 85743; (866) 973-3969
Northwest Fire Department 520-887-1010, Emergency 911
Pima Animal Care Center - 520-724-5900
Pima County Cooperative Extension 520-626-5161
Pima County Department of Environmental Quality 520-724-7400
Pima County Department of Transportation 520-724-6410
Pima County Natural Resources, Parks & Recreation 520-724-5000
Pima County Recorder's Office (& Voter Information) 520-724-4350
Pima County Supervisor Rex Scott, District 1, (520) 724-2738
Postal Service - Casas Adobes 520-531-0695
Senator Mark Kelly 202-224-2235
Senator Krysten Sinema (520) 639-7080
Social Security Administration (800) 772-1213
Southwest Gas 520-889-1888 Emergency 520-746-1076 or 800-722-4277
Tohono Chul Park 520-742-6455
Tucson Audubon Society 520-629-0510
Tucson City Graffiti Removal (520) 792-CITY (2489)
Tucson Clean and Beautiful 520-791-3109
Tucson Electric Power 520- 623-7711 Emergency 520-623-3451
Tucson Museum of Art 520-624-2333
Tucson Museum of Miniatures 520-881-0606
Tucson Village Farm 520-626-5161
Tucson Wildlife Center (Rehabilitators) 520-903-1104
Woods Memorial Library 520-594-5445